Chapter 1 – Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
& Physic’ Exam
o ~ present w/: fever (typic’ low grade);
cough; tachypn’; cyanos’; retracti’; wheezi’; rales; & sepsislike
presentati’ or apneic episodes (in very young infants).
o In infant, RSV can cause variety of ill’,
presenti’ w/ cold-like ill’, sometimes (+) fever (can also (+) bronchit’,
croup, & LRTI (25-40% cases) (+) bronchiolit’ & pneumon').
o Infant w/ LRTI typic’ (+) runny nose, ↓ed
appetite before (+) other sympt’, cough usu’ (+) at 1-3 days later, then ~ (+)
sneezi’, fever, & wheezi’. In very
young infant, ~ only (+) irritabil’, ↓ed activi’, & apnea.
o Phys’ exam’ of infant w/ RSV Lower
Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) (+) evidence of diffus’ small airway ill’.
40% cases in child’, + related otitis
media (~ viral & or bacterial). Hydrati’
status assessm’ (eg: via skin turgor, capillary refill, & mucous
membran’) is importa’ at infant w/ bronchiolit’.
o In adults (particular’ (+) at healthcare workers & caretakers of
small child’), usu’ lasts < 5 days usu’ w/ Upper RTI (URTI)-consistent sympt’ (can include rhinorrhea, pharyngit’,
cough, headache, fatig’, & fever), but at high-risk Px (immunosupressed or
(+) certain chronic ill’) ~ (+) more +++ sympt’ (LRTI-consistent) pneumon’.
o InPx RSV LRTI infant has higher risk (~
lasts > 10 years) for subseq’ wheezi’ & abnorm’ pulmon’ funct’.
o High risk of for +++ RSV infec’, in:
o Prematu’ infant in 1st year of life (younger
child at RSV season, the higher risk).
o Infant w/ chronic lung ill’ (eg:
bronchopulmon’ dysplas’, or cystic fibrosis) during 1st 2 years of life.
o Child w/ hemodynamical’ signific’ congeni’ ♥
ill’, espec’ w/ ↑ed pulmon’ blood flow.
o Immunodefici’ Px.
o Child’ w/ metabol’ disord’, structur’
airway abnorm’, & neuromuscul’ disord’.
o Children of multiple births ( ≥ triplets).
o Adenoviruses
o Asthma
o Bronchiolitis
o Croup
o Human Metapneumovirus
o Influenza
o Neonatal Sepsis
o Other respiratory viruses
o Parainfluenza Virus
o Pediatric Bronchitis
o Pediatric Pneumonia
o Lab studies
General’ Ø indicated @ in infant w/ bronchiolit’
who is comfortab’ in room air, well-hydrated, & feeding adequate’.
lab studies: CBC (~ (+) normal or mild’ ↑ed WBC count & ↑ed % of band
forms); blood culture (frequent’ obtained, rare’ (+) pathogen’ bacter’);
Arterial Blood Gas (~ indicated if (+)
concerni’ CO2 retenti’); serum electrolyte concentrati’;
urinalysis; O2 saturati’ measurem’.
lab studies (~ indicated for deciding of Tx (eg: withdrawi’ unnecessary
antibiot’) needs of Px isolation, education for parents & staff) to confirm RSV infec’ are readi’
availab’ & performab’ on sample of secretion ((for virus) culture, antigen-reveali’ technic, or PCR)
taken by washi’, suctioni’, or swabbi’ the nasopharynx (molecular probes to detect RSV at clinic’ specimen ~ more sensitive).
Antigen-detecti’ & culture technic’re reliab’ in young child, less useful in older child & adults.
should be considered, espec’ toward older children & adult Pxs because
their respirat’ specimens ~’ve low viral loads.
technic ~ (+) Dx w/in hours & obtained reliably w/o sophisticated
virolo’ Lab. (Critical) Test performa’
monitoring to maintain appropriate sensitivity & specificity.
o Chest Radiography
Frequent’ obtained at child +++ RSV infec’. Typic’
(+) hyperinflated lung fields w/ diffuse ↑ in interstiti’ markings. 20-25%
cases, (+) areas of atelectasis or pulmon’ infiltrates. General’, not specific
& not course-predictive except if infant w/ addition’ find’ of atelectasis
or pneumon’ (~ (+) +++ course).
o Histolo’ Find’
(In infant whose died of RSV bronchiolit’) (+) MN
cell & neutrophil infiltrati’ of peribronchiol’ areas, necrosis of small airway epitheli’, plugging of lumens w/ exudat’ &
edema, & atelectasis &
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