Monday, August 3, 2015


Chapter 1 – Croup
v History
o  Usu’ starts w/ Øspecific respirat’ sympt’: rhinorrhea, sore throat, cough. General’ fever is low grade (38-39OC), can > 40OC. W/in 1-2 days, (oft’ sudden’) (+) characteris’ hoarseness, barking cough, & inspirat’ stridor, along w/ variab’ degree of respirat’ distress. Perception: sympt’ worsen at night. Sympt’ typic’ resolve w/in 3-7 days, but can last for 2 weeks.
o  Spasmod’ (recurr’) croup typic’ presents @ night w/ sudden onset of barking cough & stridor. Child ~’ve had mild upper resiprat’ complaints prior to this, but more oft’ has presented well prior to sympt’ onset. Allergic factors ~ cause recurr’ croup due to respirat’ epithel’ changes from viral infec’.
o  Recurr’ croup child’ report’ sympt’ relief when treated for gastroesophag’ reflux (GER).
v Physic’ Exam’
o  Wide varia’ of physic’ present’. Most child’ only (+) barki’ cough & hoarse cry. Some ~ (+) stridor only @ activi’ or agitation, others’ve audib’ stridor at rest & clinical’ evident respirat’ distress. +++ly affected child’ ~ (+) quiet stridor due to bigger degree of airway obstruction. @ Child’, typic’ Ø appear toxic.
o  Child’s sympt can range from minim’ inspirat’ stridor to +++ respirat’ fail’ due to airway obstruction. If mild, resti’ respirat’ sound is normal; mild expirat’ wheezi’ ~ heard. If more +++, (+) inspirat’ & expirat’ stridor at rest w/ visib’ suprastern’, inter- & sub-cost’ retract’. Air entry ~ poor. Lethargy & agitat’ due to marked respirat’ diffcul’ à hypoxem’ & ↑ed hypercarbia. During episode of +++ cough, ~ (+) sudden respirat’ arrest.
o  Other respirat’ distress’s warni’ signs: tachypn’, tachy♥, out of proportion to fever, & hypotonia. If child’ w/o adequate oral intake, (+) dehydration. Cyanosis, late, ominous sign.
o  Scori’ syst’
· Westley Score (wide use @ research & Tx protocol’s evaluati’, its clinic’ value Ø yet extensive’ studied): Inspirat’ stridor: (-) – 0, at agitat’ – 1, at rest – 2; Retracti’: (-) – 0, mild – 1, moderate – 2, +++ - 3; Air entry: normal – 0, mild ↓ - 1, heavy ↓ - 2; Cyanosis: (-) – 0, at agitat’ – 4, at rest – 5, Conscious’: normal, includi’ sleep – 0, depressed – 5.
< 3: mild ill’. 3-6: moderate ill’. > 6: +++ ill’.
· Mild: (+) occasional barki’ cough, no stridor at rest, mild or no suprastern’ or subcost’ retracti’. Moderate: frequent cough, audib’ stridor at rest, visib’ retracti, little distress or agitat’. +++: frequent cough, +++ inspirat’ (occasional’ + expirat’) stridor, conspicu’ retracti’, ↓ed air entry on auscult’, +++ distress & agitat’. Lethargy, cyanos’, & ↓ing retracti’ presage respirat’ fail’.
· Alberta Clinical Practice Guideline Working Group classifi’:
o  Mild: occasion’ barki’ cough, no audib’ stridor at rest, & no or mild suprastern’ & or intercost’ retracti’.
o  Moderate: frequent barki’ cough, easi’ audib’ stridor at rest, suprastern’ & stern’ wall retracti’ at rest, & no or minim’ agitat’.
o  +++: frequent barki’ cough, +++ inspirat’ (occasion’ + expirat’) stridor, +++ stern’ wall retracti’, & +++ agitat’ & distress.
o  Impendi’ respirat’ fail’: barki’ cough (oft’ Ø +++), audib’ stridor @ rest, stern’ wall retracti’ ~ Ø +++, lethargy & ↓ed conscious’, & oft’ dusky appear’ w/o supplemental O2 support.
· Tx based on algorithm based on Px’s initial symptoms’s severity.
v DDx
o  Spasmodic croup (recurrent croup)
o  Retropharyngeal abscess
o  Subglottic stenosis
o  Angioedema
o  Allergic reaction
o  Tracheomalacia
o  Laryngeal web
o  Laryngeal papillomatosis
o  Laryngeal hemangioma
o  Subglottic hemangioma
o  Vocal cord paralysis
o  Uvulitis
o  Innominate artery compression
o  Right aortic arch vascular ring
o  Double aortic arch
o  Aberrant subclavian artery
o  Pulmonary artery sling
o  Rarer etiologies in the pediatric population - Laryngeal tuberculosis, neoplasm (compressing trachea), sarcoidosis, Wegener granulomatosis
o  Gastroesophageal reflux (diagnostic consideration for recurrent croup)
o  Bacterial Tracheitis
o  Inhalation Injury
o  Laryngeal Fractures
o  Laryngomalacia
o  Measles
o  Pediatric Airway Foreign Body
o  Pediatric Diphtheria
o  Pediatric Epiglottitis
o  Pediatric Mononucleosis and Epstein-Barr Virus Infection
o  Pediatric Peritonsillar Abscess
v Workup
o  Prmari’ a clinic’ Dx. CBC usu’ Øspecific, WBC ~ suggest viral etio’ w/ lymphocytosis. Specific viral etio’ identification (eg: parainfluenza virus serotype, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)) via nasal washi’ ~ for determini’ isolation needs in hospital setting, or (in influenza A) antiviral Tx initiati’.
o  Pulse O2metry, most’ normal, used to monitor need for supplement’ O2 support or worsen’ respirat’ comprom’ as evident w/ tachypn’ & poor mainten’ of O2 saturation. ABG is standard’ unnecessary & Ø reveal hypoO2 or hypercarbia unless respirat’ fatig’ ensues.
o  If Px presentat’ w/ fever, tachypn’, & history of ↓ed fluid intake à evaluate Px’s hydration status! Compromised oral intake & inabili’ to mainta’ needed fluid volume ~ need IV fluid support to sustain Px’s fluid needs.
o  Laryngoscopy: indicated only in unusu’ setting (eg: atypic’ course of ill’, child (+) sympt’ suggesti’ underly’ congeni’ or anatomi’ disord’, child (+) bacterial tracheit’ (to get culture to guide antibiot’ Tx)); if throat (+) tongue depression, no epiglottit’ (which (+) erythem’ enlarg’ epiglottis (cherry red epiglott’). Thought that vigor’ exam’ of child’s throat cause laryngospasm & respirat’, but never has been documented.
o  ~ be indicated: direct laryngoscopy if child Ø at acute distress; fiberoptic laryngoscopy; bronchoscopy (for recurr’ croup to rule out airway ill’).
o  (+) High risk of moderate to +++ find’ in laryngo & bronchoscopy & need of further surgic’ interventi’ @ child w/: (1) w/o history of intubati’ but (+) inPx consulta’, or (2) w/ history of intubati’ & age < 36 months.
o  Radiography
§ Plain film can verify presump’ Dx or exclude other stridor-causing ill’. Lateral neck radiog’ can help detect clinical Dx aspirated or esophage’ foreign bodi’, congeni’ subglott’ stenos’, epiglottit’, retropharyng’ absce’, or bacterial tracheit’ (thicken’ trach’). Ø needed @ uncomplica’.
§ ~ (-) at 50% cases @ child.
Anteroposterior (AP) radiog’ of neck’s soft tissues classic’ (+) steeple sign (pencil-point sign), signifies subglott’ narrowi’; lateral neck view ~ (+) distended hypopharynx (ballooni’) at inspirati’.
§ Steeple sign ~ also (+) w/o croup @ epiglottit’, therm’ injury, angioedema, or bacterial tracheit’. Monitor during imaging because progress’ of airway obstruction ~ rapid.
(Figure right below) Croup at child. Steeple sign at proximal trachea evident. AP view.

(Figure right below) Steeple sign on radiog’.


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