Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Chapter 1 – Leptospirosis
v History
o  (+) plausible expos’: (direct) to body fluid or organs of infec’ animal, or (indirect) to contaminat’ water or soil.
o  Incub period 3-20 days (typic’ 5-14 days), then, clinical ill’ sets on sudden’.
o  Expert consensus: 2 recognizable clinical syndr’
§ Anicteric: self-limit’ mild flu-like ill’. Extremely rare death.
§ Icteric (Weil Disease): severe ill’ w/ multiorgan involv’ or fail’; Weil syndr’ primari’ manifests as: profound jaundice, renal dysfunc’, liver necrosis, pulmon’ dysfunc’, & hemorrhag’ diathesis. Pulmon’ manifest’: cough, dyspnea, bloody sputum, hemoptysis, respirato’ fail’.
() 2 phase (distinct @ anicteric syndr’, oft’ continuous & undistinguishable @ Icteric syndr’):
Septicemic: acute, 5-7 days, then 1-3 days in which Px’s ↓ed temperature & ~ afebrile à regress to relative’ asympt’ ill’, or progress to more severe ill’.
Immune (delayed): Øspecific sympt’ ( fever & myalgia) ~ less +++ than @ acute stage. (77% cases) (+) intense & analgesic-unrespons’ headache, oft’ heralds onset of meningit’.
Fever recur’ indicates immune phase.
o  Can’t predict clinical severity’s level @ onset.
o  Acute ill’ after infec’ by any Leptospira serovar. Most sympt’ can (+) @ varying degrees: headache, fever (38-40OC), rigors, myalg’ (typic’ focal @ calf & lumbar), nausea & emesis, anorexia, diarrhea, cough, pharyngit’, conjunctivit’, Øpruritic skin rash.
o  @ serolo’ confirmed cases: 5% w/o fever history, 55% w/ afebrile presentat’, 100% myalg’ & headache presentat’
o  Aseptic meningit’, important syndr’ @ immune anicteric stage. (50% cases) (+) meningeal sympt’. Meningit’ usu lasts few days (occasional’ 1-2 weeks). (Less common) Cranial nerve palsies, peripher’ facial palsies, encephalit’, & changes in conscious’. Mild delirium ~ seen.
o  Abdominalgia w/ diarrhea or constipation (30% cases), hepatomega’, nausea, emesis, anorexia. (~ Rare, clinical’ signific) (+) Acalculous cholecystit’.
o  (2-10% cases) Uveitis (+) @ early or late ill’ (also, report: 1 year post-initial ill’). Iridocyclit’ & chorioretinit’, late complic’ which ~ persist for years.
(+) @ 3 weeks – 1 month post-expos’.
o  (Most common (92% cases), ocular complic’) (+) Subconjunctiva hemorrhage.
o  Renal manifestat’: hematuria; oliguric & anuric acute tubular necrosis ~ (+) @ week 2 due to hypovolem’ & ↓ed renal perfus’.
v Physic’ Exam
o  Depends on severity & time from onset of sympt’. Px ~ appear mild’ ill or toxic.
o  (Common @ early @ ill’) fever ≤ 40OC & tachy♥. Fever (typic’ ↓ed post- 7 days)
o  Hypotension, oliguria, chest auscult’ find’ @ presentat’ ~ presage severe ill’.
o  If (+) +++ & prolong’ fever à ~ (+) hypovolemic shock & hypotension.
o  Warm & flushed skin (early @ ill’), ~ + transient petechial erupt’ that can involve palate.
o  @ late @ disease, jaundice & purpura can (+).
o  (Classic ocular find’) (+) Conjunctival suffusion regardless of severity of ill’, characteris: conjunctivit’-like conjunctival redness w/o inflammato’ exudat’.
o  (Common) uveit’ followi’ acute leptospirosis (~ only mild’ if acute stage Px + antibiotic).
o  Muscle tender’ can + early infec’ myositis (can affect any muscle and +++ if @ paraspinal & calf muscles)
o  Neurol’ exam’ can reveal sign of meningit’: neck stiffn’ (early @ ill’,(~ represent early meningismus) can be confused as muscle in origin) & rigidity, & photophobia.
o  Lung exam’ results: (@ early or mild ill’) ~ normal; (@ severe ill’) ~ (+) consolidation due to alveol’ hemorrhage; (if (+) ♥-related pulmon’ edema) ~ (+) rales & wheezing.
o  (Main pulmon’ manifest’, ~ +++, can (+) w/o typical Weil syndr’ presentat’) dyspnea & hemoptysis due to alveol’ hemorrhage.
o  (if +++) ~ (+) myocarditis. All physic’ find’ of biventricul’ ♥ fail’ can be (+): ↑ed JVein pulsations; a new S3 gallop; & dysrhythm’ (includ’: atrial fibrillation, varyi’ severity ♥ blocks, & ventricul’ ectopy).
o  Abdomin’ exam’ ~ reveal enlarged & tender liver due to hepatitis. Acalculous cholecystit’ which ~ suggested by (+) Murphy sign (a find’ @ profound ill’). Reported: (+) Pancreatitis @ severe case.
o  Heme-positive stool & gross blood can be (+) on rectal exam’ @ Px w/ DIC & bleed’.
o  (@ severe ill’, ~ early find’) ~ (+) delirium (can be due to shock). Late in ill’ @ into convalescent, prolong’ mental sympt’ ~ persist: depression, anxiety, irritability, psychosis, & dementia.
o  ~ (+) Rash as macul’ or maculopapul’ erupt’ w/ erythemat’ urticarial, petechial, or desquamat’ lesions. Adenopathy ~ noted.
v DDx
o  Flu-like ill’ @ mild ill’ ~ resemble benign viral syndr’; more +++ ill’  ~ resemble meningit’ or sepsis.
o  Don’t miss critical DDx (serious, each’s Tx is different): other bacterial meningit’, acute toxin-induced hepatit’, pancreatit’, cholangit’, or Goodpasture disease.
o  Possible key to correct Dx’s via history (if (+) case cluster, it ~ suggest a common expos’).
o  Brucellosis
o  Dengue
o  Enteroviral Infections
o  Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
o  Hepatitis A
o  Malaria
o  Meningitis
o  Q Fever
o  Rickettsial Infection
o  Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
o  Enteric Fever
o  Infantile polyarteritis nodosa
o  Kawasaki disease
o  Primary HIV infection
o  Typhoid fever
o  Yellow fever
o  Mononucleosis
o  Cholecystitis
o  Pancreatitis and pancreatic pseudocyst
v Workup
o  Leptospires grow slow’ in culture, w/ slow recovery rate. Acute serolo’ test’s low acute sensitivity à shouldn’t be Tx’s initiation’s basis (ill’-consistent history & sympt’ as basis, instead).
o  Leptospira isolated from human as criterion standard. Lab tests also to find extent of organ involvem’ (routinely (+) @ suspected Px after acute infec’). Complete Blood Count’s necessary. Find’ @ general lab studies:
§ In Px w/ mild ill’, ↑ed Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) & peripher’ leukocytosis (3,000 - 26,000 x109/L) w/ left shift.
§ Can (+) +++ anemia due to pulmon’ and GI hemorhage.
§ Platelet Count ~ ↓ed as component of DIC (diseeminated intravascul’ coagulation).
§ BUN & serum creatinine ~ ↑↑↑ed @ anuric & oliguric phase.
§ Serum creatinine kinase (MM fraction) is oft’ ↑ed @ muscul’ involvem’.
§ ~ (+) Prolong coagulation time @ liver dysfunc’ & or DIC.
§ On liver function test: serum bilirubin ~ ↑ed as part of obstructi’ ill’ due to liver capillarit’; (Less oft’ & less significant’) ↑ed Hepatocellu’ transaminases (usu’ < 200U/L); (Common) Jaundice & bilirubinem’ (disproportion’ to Hepatocyte damage); ALP ~ ↑ed 10x.
o  1 MAT-titer 1:800 or (+) spirochete on Dark-field microscop’, + appropriate clinical scenario à strongly suggesti’.
o  Urinalysis: ~ (+) proteinuria. WBCs, RBCs, hyaline casts, & granular casts ~ (+) in urinary sediment.
o  CSF’s analysis for exluding other etio’ of bacterial meningit’. If Leptospirosis involve CSF à  (initial’) PMN WBCs predomin’ @ CSF, then monocytes do, instead. CSF protein level ~ ≥ normal; CSF’s normogluco, & normotensive but lumbar puncture can relieve headache. Routine Leptospira CSF isolate Ø change Tx.
o  (Common @ leptospiremic phase of Weil syndr’) ECG abnormali’.
o  @ severe ill’: ~ (+) CHFailure & cardiogenic shock.
o  Culture
§ For definitive diagn’. Can isolate infecting serovar. Leptospire’s viable in anticoagulat’ blood for 11 days à mailable specimen.
§ Blood culture ~ negative: if drawn too early or late, or once immune syst’ gets activated. Leptospires ~ Ø detectable in blood till 4 days after onset of sympt’ (7-14 days post-expos’). Leptospire’s isolatable from: CSFluid w/in first 10 days; urine w/in several weeks post-initial infec’.
§ Urine culture ~ positive (~ take 8 weeks to grow) for months or years after onset of ill’.
o  Microscop’ Agglutination Testing (MAT)
§ Uses antigens from common (frequent’ locally endemic) leptospire serovars à serovars selection affect accuracy.
§ In clinical’ disease-consistent Px: 1 titer > 1:200 or serial titers > 1:100 suggest leptospirosis (Ø diagn’). 4x ↑ in titer between acute & convalescent specimen à positive result. Antibody response’s Ø detectable until week 2 of ill’ & can be affected by Tx.
§ False-negative ~ due to testing 1 specimen pre- immune phase of ill’.
§ False-positive ~ @ Legionellosis, Lyme disease, & syphilis.
o  Other Test
§ Screening tests for Leptospirosis (easy, rapid): macroscop’ slide agglutination test, Patoc-slide agglutination test, microcapsule agglutination test, latex agglutination test, dipstick test, & indirect hemagglutination test à (advisable) to be confirmed (positive or negative) ((prefered) via MAT)).
§ If IgM ELISA (uses broadly reactive antigen) positive à do confirma’ tests.
§ Nucleic Acid Amplification (PCR-based) is for leptospirosis diagn’. PCR confirms diagnosis rapidly @ early stage when leptospires ~ (+) and pre- (+) detectable antibody titer; can’t identify infecting serovar.
§ Dark-field exam of blood or urine frequently misdiagn’ Leptospirosis.
o  Chest Radiography
§ (Most common) Bilateral diffuse airspace disease.
§ ~ reveal ♥mega’ & pulmon’ edema due to myocarditis.
§ In Px w/ alveolar hemorrhage due to pulmon’ cappilarit’: lung parenchyma ~ (+) multiple patchy infilrtrat’.
o  Histolo’ Find’
§ A bit post-inocul’ & @ incub’ period, Leptospires replicat’ in liver acitve’ à disseminate throughout body & infec’ many tissues.
§ Silver stain & immunofluorescence can identify leptospire in liver, spleen, ren, CNS, muscles, & ♥.
§ @ Acute phase: histolo’ reveals leptospires w/o much inflammato’ infiltrate.
§ Leptospirosis ~ seen as infective system’ vasculit’. Leptospiral toxins degrade capillary’s endotheliocyte’s membranes à (1) blood & leptospires extravasat’ to nearby tissues; (2) ischemia & cell death ~ (+) ((later in ill’) MN WBC predominate in these infarcts).
§ Leptospires can be found @ immunolo’-privileged sites (eg @: renal tubules, CNS, eye’s anterior chamber) for weeks - months post-initial infec’.
(Figure right below) Silver stain, liver, fatal human leptospirosis. Courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control/Dr. Martin Hicklin


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