Monday, July 27, 2015


Chapter 1 – Dengue
v History
· History of being @ Dengue endemic area.
· Incubation period  3-14 days.
· (Many, prodrome, sensitive & specific indicator, ~ for 2-3 days) chill, erythemato’ skin’s mottling, facial flush.
· Child < 15 y.old usu’ (+) nonspecific febrile syndr’ ~ + maculopapul’ rash.
· Classic dengue begins w/ sudden fever’s onset, chills, severe (term: ‘breakbone’) ache @ head, back, & extremities, + other sympt’.
· Fever lasts 2-7 days & ~ reach 41OC (if lasts > 10 days, ~ Ø due to Dengue).
· Other sympt’: Headache, Retroorbit’ pain, Generalized pain (arthralg’, myalgia), Nausea, Emesis, & (rare) diarrhea, Rash, Weakn’, Altered gustatory, Anorexia, Sore throat, Mild hemorrhag’ manifest’ (eg: petechia, gum bleed’, epistaxis, ecchymoses, menorrhag’, hematuria), Lymphadenopathy.
· The rash (typic’ onset @ day 3, lasts for 2-3 days): Maculopapul’ or macular confluent @ face, thorax, @ flexor surfaces, w/ skin-sparing islands.
· Fever (typic’) ↓ w/ ↓ed viremia.
Ocassional’, more @ child: fever ↓ed for 1 day & then returns (‘saddleback’ fever)
· Second Rash (onset ~ @ 1-2 days of defervescen’, lasts for 1-5 days): morbiliform, maculopapul’, Ø @ sole and palm, ocassional’ desquam’.
· Slow & complete recovery, fatig’ & exhaust’ ~ persist after fever subsided. Convalesc’ phase ~ lasts 2 weeks.
· Risk of Dengue Hemorrhag’ Fever (DHF) or Dengue Shock Syndr’ onset @ Deverfescen’.
DHF Presaging: Abdomin’ pain + restlessness, mental status change, hypotherm’, ↓ed platelet count.
· DHF’s 90% cases @ < 15 y.old.
Initial: similar to dengue fever & other febrile viral ill’. (W/in 24 hours pre- to a bit after fever breaks) (+) Plasma leakage’s signs, + (+) hemorrhag’ sympt’ bleeding @ trauma & GI, & hematuria. Px ~ present w/ abdomin’ pain, emesis, febrile seizures (@ child), & ↓ed consciousn’.
If untreated (most likely) à Dengue Shock Syndr’. (Common sympt’ of impending shock) Abdomin’ pain, emesis, & restless’, ~ + circulato’ fail’.
() Sympt’ onset after > 2 weeks since left Dengue endemic area ~ Ø Dengue.
v Physic’ Exam’
· Acute Febrile Ill’ + 1 of:
o  +++ & generalized headache.
o  Initial febrile phase lasts 3-4 days, then remission of few hours to few days.
o  Retroorbitalgia.
o  +++ myalgia, espec’ @ lumbar & extremit’.
o  Arthralgia usu @ knee & shoulder.
o  Rash @ 80% cases set on during fever remission.
Characteris’ start on hand & feet’s dorsum spread to arms, legs, torso, & (rare) face.
Lasts 2 hours – several days.
Before (+) rash, hard to distinguish w/ yellow fever, malaria, & influenza.
o  Hemorrhag’ manifest’.
o  Leukopenia.
o  Depression
· ~ +:
o  Injected conjunctiva.
o  Facial flush’ (sensitive & spec’ predictor of dengue)
o  Inflamed pharynx
o  Lymphadenopathy
o  Nausea & emesis
o  Dry cough
o  Tachycardia, bradycardia, and conduction defects.
· (50% cases) Px w/ characteris’ rash (~ maculopapul, scarlatiniform, petechial, or macul’).
· Hemorrhag’ manifest’ also: (most common)petechia & bleed’ @ venipunct’ site; petechia, nasal or gum bleed’, melena, hematemes’, & menorrhag’.
· Usu’ (+) Torniquet Test:
o  Inflate bloodpress’ cuff @ upper arm to between systole & diastole pressu’ for 5 minutes.
o  Then, if @ area under pressu’ ≥ 3 petechia/cm2 or 20 petechia/inch2 à (+).
· (Rare) Seizure, & encephalopathy w/o typical dengue sympt’.
· Neurol’ complic’: neuropathy, Guillan-Barre syndr’, transverse myelit’.
· @ Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
o  Similar to Dengue Fever, include: biphasic fever curve, hemorrhag’ manifest’ > Dengue Fever’s, signs of peritoneal- & or pleur’-effusion.
o  Minimal diagnostic criteria:
· Fever
· Hemorrhag’ manifest’ (eg.: hemoconcentration, thrombocytopenia, Torniquet Test (+)).
· Circulat’ fail’, signs of vascul’ permeabil’ (eg: hypoproteinemia, effusion).
· Hepatomegaly.
o  (30% cases) Injection Conjunctiva.
o  Optic Neuropathy –(ocassional’)à permanent & +++ visual impair’.
o  Generalized lymphadenopathy.
o  (97% cases) Pharyngeal Injection.
o  Hepatomega’ more often @ Dengue Shock Syndr’.
o  Hepatic Transaminase ↑ ~ mild – moderate.
o  (Rare, Complic’) Encephalopathy ~ result from combinat’ of hyponatremia, hepatic injury, anoxia, cerebr’ edema, & intracrani’ hemorrhage.
· @ Dengue Shock Syndr’
o  Hypotension
o  Brady♥ (paradoxical) or tachy♥ related to hypovolem’ shock.
o  Hepatomega’
o  Hypotherm’
o  Narrow Pulse Pressu’
o  Signs of ↓ed Peripher’ Perfus’.
v Differ’ Diagnos’
() (Rare) Vertical transmission (mother (w/ dengue @ peripartum) to neonate) à Neonate should be evaluated for dengue w/ platelet count & serologic studies.
· Pregnancy Preeclampsia
o  Overlap’ sympt’: thrombocytopenia, liver dysfunct’, capillary leak, ascites, ↓ed uria. Definitive diagnosis via serology testing.
· Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
· Malaria
· Yellow fever
· Rift Valley fever
· St. Louis encephalitis
· Influenza
· Mayaro fever
· Ross River fever
· Sindbis virus
· Ebola virus
· River Virus
· Chikungunya Orbivirus
· West Nile encephalitis
· Roseola infantum
· Scarlet fever
· Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
· Arenaviruses
· Leptospirosis
· Meningitis
· Rickettsial Infection
o  Typhus (eg: Scrub Typhus)
o  Spotted Fever (eg: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever)
· Viral Hepatitis
v Workup
· Lab criter’ for diagn’ needs 1 or more of:
o  Dengue virus isolat’ from serum, plasma, WBC, or autopsy sample.
o  Demonstrated ≥ 4x change in reciprocal IgG or IgM titer to ≥ 1 dengue virus in paired serum samples.
o  Demonstrated dengue verus Antigen in autopsy sample via immunohistochem’ or immunofluoresc’ or in serum sample via enzyme immuno assay (EIA).
o  Detected viral genomic sequences in autopsy, serum, or CSFluid samples via PCR.
· (14 Mar 2014, current’ only @ research lab) RT-PCR for rapid & serotype-specif’ diagn’.
· Should also (+) tests:
o  Complete Blood Count
o  Metabolic Panel
o  Serum protein & albumin level
o  Liver panel
o  Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) panel
· Guaiac test should be performed on suspected Dengue Px, due to subtle early coagulopathy signs.
· Typing & Crossmatching Blood should be done @ severe DHF or Dengue Shock Syndr’ because blood products ~ needed.
· Urinalysis looks for hematuria.
· Culture of blood, urine, CSFluid, & other body fluid should be done as needed to find Px’s condition’s etio’.
· Arterial blood gas should be assessed in severe cases to know pH, O2ation, & ventilat’.
· ECG ~ demonstrate Øspecif’ changes due to fever, electrolyte disturban’, tachy♥, or medicat’.
Unclear usefuln’ in looking for ♥ involvem’s markers.
· Skin lesion biopsy @ nonfatal, uncomplic’ Dengue shows abnormal @ blood vessels.
· Skin lesion biopsy (primary finding): Endothelial swell’, perivascul’ edema, MN cell infiltration.
· Chest radiography to look for pleural effus’ (typic’: right-sided) & bronchopneumon’.
· (Common) Bilateral pleural effus’ @ Dengue Shock Syndr’.
· Head CT w/o contrast ~ done @ altered mental status to look for intracran’ bleed’ or cerebr’ edema from DHF.
· Complete Blood Count
o  (Observed near end of febrile phase, more +++ > other febrile ill’ in dengue-epidemic area) Leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia (characterist’ < 100,000 platelet/μL, 50% cases), oft’ + lymphopenia.
o  Lymphocytosis, w/ atypic’ lymphocyt’, commonly (+) pre- defervescen’ or shock.
o  Hematocrit: ↑ > 20% (due to plasma extravasat’ & or 3rd space fluid loss) à sign of hemoconcentration, precedes shock.
Should be monitored every ≤ 24 hours to helf early-find DHF; every 3-4 hours in severe DHF or Dengue Shock Syndr’.
o  Thrombocytopenia (< 100,000 platelet/μL) @ DHF or Dengue Shock Sydnr’ precede defervescen’ & shock’s onset. Platelet count should be monitored every ≤ 24 hours to early-find DHF.
· Metabolic Panel & Liver Enzymes
o  (Most common electroly’ abnorm’ @ DHF or Dengue Shock Syndr’) Hyponatremia.
o  (@ Px w/ Shock) ↑ed BUNitrogen, & (must be corrected quick’) Metabolic acidosis.
o  (Uncommon) Acute renal injury.
o  Mild’ ↑ed transaminase levels to several kilo @ DHF w/ Acute hepatit’.
o  Hypoalbuminem’s sign of hemoconcentrat’.
· Coagulation studies
o  ~ help guide therapy in Px w/ severe hemorrhag’ manifest’.
o  Findings:
· Prolonged prothrombin time.
· Prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time.
· Low fibrinogen & ↑ed fibrin degradat’ product levels’re signs of DIC.
· Serum studies
o  For serodiagnosis (basis: ↑ed antibody titer @ paired specim’ taken during acute stage & convalesc’ phase), PCR, & virus isolati’.
o  Results vary depend' on whether it’s 1stary or 2ndary infec’.
o  IgM capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (MAC-ELISA)’s most widely used for dengue’s serologic assay.
o  Other tests:
· Complement Fixation (CF)
· Neutralization Test (NT)
· Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI)
· NS1 Strip Test
o  Take serum sample (then immediat’ put on white ice & send to lab) a.s.a.possib’ after ill’s onset & after death or discharge from hospital.
Then, take 2nd serum sample (for convalescent-phase serolog’ test’) 7 – 21 (ideal: 10) days after acute serum sample.
o  1 positive PanBio- IgG or IgM’s high rate of false positive & should be confirmed using via more sensitive diagn’ test, otherwise, platelet & WBC count can be helpful (thrombocytopenia & leukopenia (+) @ 40.4% confirmed cases, 6.1% false positive cases).
o  Potential’ timely, cost-effective, easily-used in evaluati’ potential DHF.
o  Positive & reliable findings: fluid in chest & abdomin’ caviti’, pericard’ effus’, & (~ presages clinical’ signific’ vascul’ permeabi’) thicken’ gallbladder wall.
o  Daily chest & abdomin’ USG’s useful @ evaluati’ Px w/ suspected DHF.
o  (Some) Plasma leakage’s detected w/in 3 days of fever onset (most common: pleural effus’).
o  (Some) Predicted DHF @ Pxs before (+) hemoconcentration’s criteria.
· Case Definitions
o  Suspected Dengue = compatible w/ clinical description.
o  Probable Dengue = Suspected Dengue + ≥ 1 of these:
· Supportive serology (reciprocal HI antibody titer > 1280, comparable IgG EIA titer, or positive IgM antibody test @ late acute or convalsesc’ phase serum sample).
· Occur @ same time & place as other confirmed dengue cases.
o  Confirmed Dengue = Suspected Dengue + Lab’s confirmation.
o  DHF’s Diagnos’ Criteria: probable- or confirmed-case of Dengue & hemorrhag’ tendenc’ signed by:
· (Positive) Torniquet Test
· Petechia, Ecchymoses, or Purpura.
· Bleed’ of mucosal, GI, injection sites, or other.
· Hematemesis or melena & Thrombocytopenia (< 100,000 cells/μL).
· Evident’ Plasma Leakage due to ↑ed vascul’ permeabil’.
o  Plasma leakage manifest’:
· > 20% ↑ in average hematocrit level for age & sex.
· >20% ↓ in hematocrit following volume replacement compared w/ baseline.
· Plasma leakage’s signs (eg: pleural effus’, ascites, hypoproteinem’).
o  (+) Dengue Shock Syndr’ Diagnosis = DHF + evident circulat’ fail’
· Rapid, weak pulse
· Narrow pulse pressu’ (< 20mmHg), w/ ↑ed peripher’ vascul’ resistan’ (PVR) & ↑ed diastol’ pressu’.
· Hypotension
· Cool, clammy skin
· Altered mental status, although Px’s initial’ alert.
o  Shock onset ~ subtle, signed by: ↑ed diastol’ pressu’ & ↑ed PVR in alert Px.


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